industry leading support

RRi offers dynamic and industry-leading services that exceed expectations, from team development and tournament operations to event production planning. RRi’s staff and advisors stay at the forefront of the sports industry with their unmatched technical win in both traditional and cutting-edge areas. RRi Global Agency Inc. is the premier choice for managing professional hockey leagues with its dedication to excellence and innovation.

Hockey Management And Consulting

RRi has created relationships and partnerships with many other organizations within the industry, helping them reach their goals while promoting further success. RRi is an instrumental part of any professional league and they come highly recommended by those who have had the privilege to work with them. RRi’s ability to bring out the best of all hockey teams keeps them at the cutting edge of international sports-level management.

Sports Agencies We Have Worked with

We are the most trusted and experienced sports advisors in the industry

Our Players
PAst / PResent

RRi Global Agency Inc. is one of the leading organizations when it comes to providing guidance and advice to professional hockey players. RRi provides knowledgeable staffing with an impressive sporting background, supporting players from Hockey Levels across the world. With RRi’s in-depth knowledge on strategies of plays and deep understanding of the game, our team strives to see each player succeed at every level.

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